Exhibition 2022
Queens Hall, Hexham - 23th July - 7th September
Having had a break from painting due to ill health, this first exhibition for some years from the renowned Northumbrian artist Sue Moffitt is rooted in nature, nurture and narratives told through text and paint.
“These paintings are rooted in my identity, my culture, my respect and reverence for animals in the natural world, and my hope that humankind can live in greater harmony with them.
“We are each born into some sort of ‘family’ culture which underlies our identity, having a profound effect particularly during our early years. Our identity gives us our sense of belonging and informs our responsibilities, beliefs, values, and intentions; and being born into farming life surrounded by animals, wildlife and the countryside has a profound effect on who I am. Being in nature, with nature, is my home – my safe place. My respect for and connection to farm animals and wildlife reside in my inner being, and living on a farm was truly a privilege to me, dairy cows in particular playing a huge role in my life and my work. It is a pleasure to be able to paint and show my work again after a long break, and I hope this work touches audiences as deeply as it has me as I have worked on it.”